About Us

Ziweto Enterprise is a network of franchised agro/vet shops providing veterinary solutions for small-holder farmers in Malawi.

Ziweto offers value for money products to clients.

Ziweto Enterprises Limited raises the value of livestock for better human lives by providing access to quality and affordable veterinary and animal nutrition products and livestock production equipment among livestock farmers through its network of 15 “Ziweto Agrovet Shops”.

In Malawi, smallholder farmers lose 30% of their farm animals to preventable diseases such as Newcastle disease in village chickens.

Farmers lack access to reliable and affordable animal health services, often trekking long distances to find these shops and purchase lifesaving drugs for their livestock. In addition, poor animal nutrition results in low productivity of livestock yielding less and poor-quality meat, milk, and eggs.

We partner with leading veterinary products manufacturers to source quality products that are distributed through its network of veterinary shop outlets branded as “Ziweto Agro-vet Shops.”

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Business model

Ziweto Enterprise serves small and medium farmers with premium services in the Agriculture value chain







Lead Farmers


Smallholder Farmers

some of our

Investment partners

We partner with like-minded organisations to help us grow our portifolio in impacting more farmers in Malawi.

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